Frank Alamo (12 October 1941 – 11 October 2012), born
Jean-François Grandin, was a French singer. He achieved his greatest success in
the 1960s.
He was born in Paris. He sang in a leading French children's
choir, "Les Petits Chanteurs à la croix de bois", and studied music
in London between 1957 and 1960. While skiing at Val-d'Isère in
1962, he met
pop music promoter and record company executive Eddie Barclay, who heard him
singing popular English and American songs in French. Barclay signed him to his
label, and persuaded him to take the stage name Frank Alamo, the surname being
in tribute to John Wayne's film The Alamo.

Alamo helped popularise the yé-yé style of music in France. He
wasn't known in England or America because he was an importer. He took English
language songs and covered them for the French market. "Leader of the
Pack" became "Le Chef De La Bande." While nonsense words were
universal, "Da Doo Ron Ron" did require some Franco-filing to become
a hit in Paris.
His hit records included
"Biche ô ma Biche" ("Sweets for My Sweet"), "Je veux
prendre ta main" ("I Want to Hold Your Hand"), and "Je me
bats pour gagner" ("A Hard Day's Night"). In all, he
released 30 singles over a five-year period in the early and mid-1960s, including some original songs.
released 30 singles over a five-year period in the early and mid-1960s, including some original songs.
He retired from the music business when he married in 1969,
becoming a photographer and later a manager in the automobile industry. In
1983, he was chasing a beautiful blonde girl who was driving a funny car, she
brought him to a factory and there Frank Alamo bought not a single car but the
whole plant: the Dallas jeep company. He sold it in 1996 in order to give
further singing performances. However he never recovered success.
In the 90's, nostalgia for Frank's "ye ye" music
(and his Beatles yeah-yeah covers) led him to try and revive his career. Alamo
did get back to singing and have his second chance, before the problems
associated with his motor neurone disease became too severe.
He died in Paris in 2012, on the eve of his 71st birthday,
after having been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). (Info mainly Wikipedia)
For “Frank Alamo – Sing C’est La Vie” go here:
31 tracks found on the web (will fit on a CD-R disc) plus artwork.
1. frank-alamo-a-broadway.mp3
2. frank-alamo-biche-ma-biche.mp3
3. frank-alamo-c-est-pas-la-peine.mp3
4. frank-alamo-claudy.mp3
5. frank-alamo-da-dou-ron-ron.mp3
6. frank-alamo-des-filles-et-des-garcons.mp3
7. frank-alamo-fait-pour-durer.mp3
8. frank-alamo-file-file-file.mp3
9. frank-alamo-heureux-tous-les-deux.mp3
10. frank-alamo-hum-hum-hum.mp3
11. frank-alamo-if-i-had-a-hammer.mp3
12. frank-alamo-il-y-avait-toi.mp3
13. frank-alamo-j-ai-pleure-pour-toi.mp3
14. frank-alamo-je-connais-une-chanson.mp3
15. frank-alamo-je-me-bats-pour-gagner.mp3
16. frank-alamo-je-suis-encore-amoureux.mp3
17. frank-alamo-je-veux-prendre-ta-main.mp3
18. frank-alamo-je-veux-savoir-pourquoi.mp3
19. frank-alamo-jolie-frimousse.mp3
20. frank-alamo-l-ange-que-j-attendais.mp3
21. frank-alamo-le-chef-de-la-bande.mp3
22. frank-alamo-loop-de-loop.mp3
23. frank-alamo-ma-vie-a-t-attendre.mp3
24. frank-alamo-maillot.mp3
25. frank-alamo-ne-dis-pas-du-mal-de-mon-amour.mp3
26. frank-alamo-non-ne-dis-pas-adieu.mp3
27. frank-alamo-pas-de-larmes.mp3
28. frank-alamo-pour-les-filles.mp3
29. frank-alamo-reviens-vite-et-oublie.mp3
30. frank-alamo-sing-c-est-la-vie.mp3
31. frank-alamo-sylvie.mp3
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