Friday 15 March 2024

Bertha "Chippie" Hill born 15 March 1905

Bertha "Chippie" Hill (March 15, 1905 – May 7, 1950) was an American blues and vaudeville singer and dancer, best known for her recordings with Louis Armstrong. 

Hill was born in Charleston, South Carolina, one of sixteen children. The family moved to New York in 1915. She began her career as a dancer in Harlem and by 1919 was working with Ethel Waters. At this young age, during a stint at Leroy's, a noted New York nightclub, Hill was nicknamed "Chippie" because of her youth and small size. She also performed with Ma Rainey as part of the Rabbit Foot Minstrels. She later established her own song and dance act and toured on the TOBA circuit in the early 1920s. About 1925, she settled in Chicago, where she worked at various venues with King Oliver's Jazz Band. 


The majority of Bertha Chippie Hill's records were made for the General Phonograph Corporation and later for the Okeh Phonograph Corporation, issued on their Okeh label between 1925 and 1929. Consequently, the company's A. and R. man in Chicago, Richard M. Jones, influenced the choice of material Chippie Hill was to record, the majority of the songs being written by him. 

Fortunately, he wrote some excellent blues and was a fine pianist too, being present on many her recordings. Ten recordings also feature the remarkable cornet playing of Louis Armstrong including "Pratt City Blues", "Low Land Blues" and "Kid Man Blues" in 1925 and "Georgia Man" and "Trouble in Mind" in 1926. 

Anyone seeking insights about blues, jazz, and human nature needs to savour Armstrong's interactions with Bertha "Chippie" Hill. She is also backed by Richard M. Jones' Jazz Wizards (with clarinettist Artie Starks doing his best to complement her passionate delivery); guitarist Lonnie Johnson, who recorded during this period with artists as diverse as Duke Ellington, Texas Alexander, and Eddie Lang; guitarist Scrapper Blackwell and pianist Leroy Carr; pianist and songwriter Georgia Tom (Thomas A. Dorsey); and guitarist Tampa Red (Hudson Whittaker) and bassist Bill Johnson of New Orleans. The gravitational pull of the blues is nicely counterweighted by the 1929 recording of"Non-Skid Tread," an amusing study in hokum for kazoo and continuo with "Scrapper" Blackwell and the Two Roys, with Leroy Carr on piano. 

In the 1930s she retired from singing to raise her seven children. Hill occasionally sang during the next 15 years (including with Jimmie Noone) but mostly worked outside of music. She was rediscovered by writer Rudi Blesh in 1946, working in a bakery. Appearances on Blesh's This Is Jazz radio series resulted in her coming back to the music scene, performing at the Village Vanguard, Jimmy Ryan's and even appearing at Carnegie Hall in 1948 with Kid Ory. She also sang at the Paris Jazz Festival, and worked with Art Hodes in Chicago.

 At the age of 45, she was back in prime form in 1950, when she was struck and killed by a hit and run driver in New York City in 1950. She is buried at the Lincoln Cemetery, Blue Island, Illinois. 

(Edited from Wikipedia, Document Record notes & AllMusic)


  1. For ”Bertha "Chippie" Hill – Complete Recorded Works 1925 - 1929 (Document) Plus 1946 Bonus” go here:

    1. Low Land Blues 02:50
    2. Kid Man Blues 02:54
    3. Lonesome, All Alone and Blue 02:52
    4. Trouble in Mind (9510) 02:44
    5. Georgia Man 02:38
    6. Leavenworth Blues 03:00
    7. Panama Limited Blues 03:02
    8. Street Walker Blues 03:43
    9. Pleadin' for the Blues 02:52
    10. Pratt City Blues (9950) 02:47
    11. Mess, Katie, Mess 02:39
    12. Lovesick Blues 03:08
    13. Lonesome Weary Blues 02:59
    14. Do Dirty Blues 02:42
    15. Sport Model Mama 03:33
    16. Some Cold Rainy Blues 03:20
    17. Weary Money Blues 03:05
    18. Hard Time Blues 02:56
    19. Christmas Man Blues 02:52
    20. Trouble In Mind (C-2509) 3:17*
    21. Hangman Blues 03:04
    22. Non-Skid Tread 03:15
    23. I Ain’t Gonna Do It No More 2:50
    24. Pratt City Blues (C-3133) 2:44*

    I downloaded this playlist from a digital album which omitted two tracks. I managed to find these (marked with *) via mp3’s from Spotify but at a lower bit rate (192).

    Bertha "Chippie" Hill had a nice comeback during the 1940s, during which she received international recognition. Even as her later recordings are powerful and well worth exploring, I have added these in a bonus folder

    BONUS FOLDER- Bertha “Chippie” Hill 1946 Recordings

    Lee Collins, tpt; J.H. Shayne, pno; John Lindsay, bs; Baby Dodds, dms. Chicago, Ill. 4 Feb1946
    1. Charleston blues
    2. How long blues
    Lee Collins, tpt; Lovie Austin, pno; John Lindsay, bs; Baby Dodds, dms. Chicago, Ill. 5 Feb 1946
    3. Trouble in mind
    4. Careless love
    5. Around the clock blues
    6. Nobody knows you when you're down and out
    Montana Taylor, pno; Almond Leonard, kazoo/wbd. Chicago, Ill. 18 April 1946
    7. Worried jailhouse blues
    8. Black market blues
    9. Mistreatin' Mr Dupree

    A big thank you goes to Gerard Herzhaft @ Blue Eye for the above 9 tracks borrowed from one of his compilation albums.

  2. Bertha "Chippie" Hill
    Complete recordings 1925-1929
    Complete discography from:
    Brian Rust “Jazz Records”, 6th ed., on line.
    Ross Laird “Moanin’ Low”, A discography of female
    popular recordings, 1920-1933, 1996, on line.

    Bertha “Chippie” Hill, voc. acc. by:

    01-02: Louis Armstrong, c / Richard M. Jones, p.
    Chicago, 09/11/1925 [Ok mx 9456-A/9457-A]

    03-05: same.
    Chicago, 23/02/1926 [Ok mx 9509-A/9510-B/9511-A]

    06: Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards
    Shirley Clay, c / Preston Jackson, trb / Artie
    Starks, cl, as / Richard M. Jones, p / (?) Cliff Jones, d.
    Chicago 14/06/1926 [Ok mx 9710-A]

    07-08: Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards
    Shirley Clay, c / Preston Jackson, trb / Artie
    Starks, cl, as / Richard M. Jones, p / Johnny StCyr, bjo.
    (*) Bertha Hill & Richard M. Jones, speech
    Chicago 15/06/1926 [Ok mx 9719-A/9720-A]

    09-11: Louis Armstrong, c / Richard M. Jones, p.
    Chicago, 23/11/1925 [Ok mx 9949-A/9950-A/9951-A]

    12-13: same.
    Chicago, 26/11/1926 [Ok mx 9971-A/9972-A]

    14-15: Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards
    Shirley Clay, c / Artie Starks, cl, as / Richard M. Jones, p /
    Johnny SyCyr, bjo.
    (**) Artie Starks & Richard M. Jones, speech
    Chicago 14/05/1927 [Ok mx 80881-A/80882-A]

    16-17: Georgia Tom (seud. Thomas A. Dorsey), p / Tampa
    Red (seud. Hudson Whittaker), g.
    Chicago, 13/10/1928 [Voc mx C-2433-B/C-2434-B]

    18-19: Chippie Hill And Tampa Red
    Chicago, 16/10/1928 [Voc mx C-2448-B/C-2449-B]

    20-21: Shirley Clay, c (?) / Artie Starks, cl (?) /Richard
    M. Jones, p.
    Chicago, 01/11/1928 [Voc mx C-2509/C-2510]

    22: Leroy Carr, p / Scrapper Blackwell, g / unk kazoo.
    Chicago, c. 15/02/1929 [Voc mx C-2973-B]
    Note: as Scrapper Blackwell And The Two Roys [Br]

    23-24: Georgia Tom (seud. Thomas A. Dorsey), p / Tampa
    Red (seud. Hudson Whittaker), g (?) / Bill Johnson, b.
    Chicago, c.16/03/1929 [Voc mx C-3132-A/C-3133-A]

  3. Hi Jazzing, Thanks for the discography.

  4. Thanks. Glad the 'removers' haven't arrived yet.

  5. Thanks a lot, Bob!

    Better back cover:

    Bonus tracks


    01. Charleston Blues
    Baby Dodds Stompers
    Lee Collins, tp / J. H. Shayne, p / John Lindsay, b /
    Baby Dodds, d.
    Chicago, 05/02/1946 [Circle J-1004-B mx C-4-A-2]

    02. How Long Blues
    Baby Dodds Stompers
    Chicago, 05/02/1946 [Circle J-1003-B mx C-5-1]

    03. Trouble In Mind
    Lovie Austin’s Blues Serenaders
    Lee Collins, tp / Lovie Austin, p / John Lindsay, b /
    Baby Dodds, d / Bertha Hill, voc.
    Chicago, 05/02/1946 [Circle J-1003-A- mx C-1-A-1]

    04. Careless Love:
    Lovie Austin’s Blues Serenaders
    Chicago, 05/02/1946 [Circle J-1004- mx C-2-A-1]

    05. Around The Clock Blues
    Lovie Austin’s Blues Serenaders
    05/02/1946 [Circle J-1013-B mx C-7]

    06. Nobody Knows You When You’re
    Down And Out
    Lovie Austin’s Blues Serenaders
    Chicago, 05/02/1946 [Circle rejected]

    07. Worried Jailhouse Blues
    Bertha “Chippie” Hill
    Voc. acc. by Montana Taylor, p / Almond Leonard,
    washb, kazoo.
    Chicago, 18/04/1946 [Circle J-1067-B mx C-9]

    08. Black Market Blues
    Bertha “Chippie” Hill
    Chicago, 18/04/1946 [Circle J-1013-A mx C-10]

    09. Mistreatin’ Mr. Dupree
    Bertha “Chippie” Hill
    Chicago, 18/04/1946 [Circle J-1067-A mx C-13]

  7. Thanks a lot Bob, for this posting. Appreciate the work you're putting into it. Best wishes and warm regards
