Saturday 8 November 2014

Strewth! And that's putting it mildly.

Well music lovers, it all started out O.K. this morning. I decided to do a post about Patti Page. I researched and edited her biography from various sources, managed to get some lovely photographs and a lovely video to boot and saved them to a file as I had to go out for the weekly shop and a meet with an old friend. Got back on the PC late in the evening only to find (or not to find as in this instance) my file on Miss Page was missing. I spent a few hours polishing off a nice posting but all was in vain as it appears I didn't save it...although I would swear that I did. As my internet window is limited, I just didn't have the time to do it all over again. All that "work" and nothing to show for it.

So watch this space, this time, next year. (If heaven allows)

But all was not lost as I managed to acquire a few sumptuous CD's from the local charity shops at a snip of a price which made up for the loss this morning. 

Best wishes to you all,



  1. I find events such as this often Bob never a dull moment when I hit the keys lol.Lookiing forward to Patti Page she is a great singer and the more I hear her the more I appreciate.

  2. I worry about things like that happening as well, as I, too have a blog where I post records similar to yours. I learned early on this phrase: "Save early, save often." It has helped me many times. The power here goes off just randomly and I've lost things because of this, and that's what taught me my lesson!

    Kenny Harrelson
